No matter what, your partner does not have the right to invade every moment of your privacy or monitor your every move. That’s a prison cell, not a relationship.
Over time, the little digs and jabs caused me to question whether or not I was valid in my feelings or if I was dramatic and ridiculous.
There is no “one-size-fits-all” regarding fitness. However, there are scientifically proven facts about the link between our mindsets and how it affects our progress and overall self-worth.
If I had learned this sooner, I would have avoided some mistakes early on and not had to spend the first half of my twenties healing over a decade of the diet culture mindset.
mind. Most people are self-serving, and not setting boundaries and methods of self-protection will make you a feeding ground for toxic individuals.
For most of my life, I let friends, partners, and family walk all over me. I was the “nice” girl, the “dependable” friend, who didn’t ask for anything in return and thought that providing love, trust, and reliability meant I would get it.
Your partner can’t be everything at once; an intimate relationship is different from a friendship.
When a toxic/manipulative person identifies that you are done with their abuse, they will not be thrilled. They may pull out their final card trick, threatening self-harm if you leave them.
Suddenly his demeanor changed, and he became more somber. “My wife doesn’t get me these days.” Perhaps he was expecting me to divulge something about my husband and a lack (he hoped) of communication and affection. I remained silent, and he smiled, reached his hand over, and slowly squeezed my upper thigh affectionately.
At least half of the group answered incorrectly, with their girlfriends beside them. Yes, the video could have been staged, but be honest: oversights or lack of attention to seemingly effortless details can be earth-shattering.